No need of surgery for all diseases

No need of surgery for all diseases

There is no need of surgery for any kind of diseases according to ayurveda. Now-a-days, in modern technology operation is necessary in all kinds of diseases.  If you follow proper life style and proper food diet, there is no need of surgery. By taking proper intake of water and food diet you can gain your health and live life happily. Now-a-days, in women they are suffering from PCOD, Irregular periods problems which leads to cervical cancer and result is there are going for operation which leads to removal of uterus. According to ayurveda, there is no need of surgery and removal of uterus by maintaining proper food diet, proper intake of water and proper intake of medicines. So, please follow proper diet and take sufficient water to prevent all kinds of diseases. At the end, there is no need of surgery. Live healthy and happily.


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